Hello World

That seems a fitting title for the first post on write.as. Anyways, howdy everyone for now I'm going to go by my alias Dearento while talking about a few different topics, with the first thing being my experience with a site. Oh! And also I'm currently a college student in their second year, and I am majoring in Computer Science, which should give some kinda feeling as to who I am.

Site I used to use

Since the world is currently in the midst of a pandemic, I ended up during the summer of 2020 experimenting around with different kinds of tech, and different projects that would keep me active. One of these projects was making a website, either via a website builder like WordPress or even handcrafting it with typical HTML coding, but overall an idea that could be useful and very much helpful in getting ideas of reaching different audiences out there. So I set out in researching this and, since I am a college student, ended up finding out that through GitHub I could get a domain for a year for free from one of two providers (Nextcheap or Name.com)

I ended up going with Nextcheap and “purchased” a name with a .me extension at the end of it since it felt the most natural option, which will be active until sometime in July. Since I wanted some level of control, and because I like the freeeee stuff that GitHub offered I used Bootstrap to create the site with a very minimalist look that represented something straight out of Google's Material Design book that lacked any sort of visual appeal. But then I ended up with a new problem: What the $%#& do I use the site for?

Honestly should've figured this out at the start, but you know what now there I was. So I ended up doing...

...basically nothing.

This was what the site ended up looking like

I didn't exactly do much with the site at all, and at this point it still has practically nothing on it. I ended up figuring to turn it into some sort of portfolio, but since I have no experience (plus worry about data-scraping from a bot), it ended up just having a bit of information about me and a project I did from a beginning Java coding class. So basically nothing of interest of importance not only to people who saw the site, but also to me.

So I figured why, since the domain registration will run out soon, and I'm not paying for another year, to write.as and see how I like it. Who knows, I might end up using the other domain site to register a domain more fitting for what I talk about on this site. Probably without my actual name on it.

Ok possibly without my name on it depending on WhoIs registration.

So what am I doing with this blog?

Talking about whatever is on my mind, either that or self plugging projects that I make that I think are good.

Or sharing memes, or something else, I don't know. We'll figure it out in time

Any Closing Notes?

Yeah, can't wait to actually walk about the day without a mask sometime. Hopefully things work themselves out in the end, but I'll just stay home for the time being until this pandemic is under some control. Either way, have a happy Monday to whoever sees this!
